Selasa, 29 Desember 2009
In economics, business is an organization that sells goods or services to consumers or other businesses, for a profit.
In terms of business:
Profit = Laba
Loss = Rugi
Goods = Barang-barang
Service = Jasa
Product = Produk
Deficit = Defisit
Discount = Potongan harga
Order = Pesanan
Sale = Penjualan
Purchase = Pembelian
Delivery = Pengiriman
Transaction = Transaksi
Capital = Modal
Business = Usaha
Money = Uang
Income = Pemasukan
Expenditure = Pengeluaran
Debt = Utang
Receivables = Piutang
Client = Pembeli
In terms of business:
Profit = Laba
Loss = Rugi
Goods = Barang-barang
Service = Jasa
Product = Produk
Deficit = Defisit
Discount = Potongan harga
Order = Pesanan
Sale = Penjualan
Purchase = Pembelian
Delivery = Pengiriman
Transaction = Transaksi
Capital = Modal
Business = Usaha
Money = Uang
Income = Pemasukan
Expenditure = Pengeluaran
Debt = Utang
Receivables = Piutang
Client = Pembeli